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Ireland, War & New Blood

What land that recently fought the Brits for 3 decades calls the violence and degradation: the troubles? Ireland has fought off many invaders before the British such as the Celts and the Romans. Isn’t this a remarkable place for the International Alternatives to...

Shedding Dry Scaly Skin

Most days I say I’m not afraid. Then I see a picture of a circle of elephants or a picture of a flock of swans and I’m struck by beauty and fear. My sons are just out of college with no thought of having children. Yet in my dreams a grandchild with big eyes looks up...

Virtues and Vices

Remember the old Lutheran image of there’s a devil sitting on one shoulder telling you to go ahead and do the vice and the angel on the other shoulder telling you to be good and behave properly? As a Quaker it’s a struggle to love myself and change myself. SometimesI...

Open Letter to Gaia

I am your daughter. You have suckled me throughout my life. There is milk and fruits and honey for me to enjoy. You are larger than the prairie, more rugged than any mountaintops, more forgiving than a quilt of snow. You are expansive like the universe, yet tender and...