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Exodus- where to where?

You and I are in slavery. We are chained to big corporations that sell us fuel. I can’t live without electricity so I feed into corporate coal, oil and fracking industries every time I turn on the stove, drive a car or recharge my cell phone. But I believe in freedom....

The Boston Bomber & Mother Bears

Whatever was Djhokhar Tsarnaev thinking– accused of setting off homemade bombs on April 15? It’s baffling. Here is a teenager, deeply wounded, isolated from all he knew, and now in police lock-down. I did meet him a few times when he was 16 at the Cambridge high...

Poems Arch Across a Wet Sky

  The Walk Each step a word Each toe a pupil Each pilgrim a sapling Big toes flex, then probe, and grab Groping over earthflesh. Callouses reach blindly for a vista of mountains. Underfoot The arch tenderly curves around a root Prayer is never stagnant Grace...