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A Quaker Wedding

A Quaker wedding is beautiful. Usually I cry; mostly I smile. Have you been to one? I sense God crouches a bit closer to us miscreants during a wedding. Thankfully, Quakers allow space and time to hear the Lifegiver’s whispers and sometimes we glean wisdom of how to...

A Dark, Sad Knight

Take note of these killings: 2012 The Dark Knight Rises in Aurora with 12 dead, 58 wounded, heroic moviegoers. 2011 Remember the shooting rampage in Tucson when Rep Gifford was shot and ultimately resigned from office. 2009 Remember at Fort Hood, an army psychiatrist...

Jambo Kenya Trip

I spent 30 days in Kenya, mostly working with Friends groups, scrutinizing and worshiping, and singing. Part of the trip was investigating whether to do future peace work in East Africa. 20 of us Friends from New England also joined in the World Conference of Friends...

Robin by the Tree of Life

I saw the bird in passing, as I loped across the intersection. I hopped up the curb to the sidewalk and I saw it in my mind’s eye–the head contorted, the legs splayed out, the lower beak jerked out like a huge thorn. It was a robin: it must have been a road...