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Aldo Chiri-an engineering Quaker

Aldo Chiri, 21 years old,  is studying engineering at the Main Campus of San Andres University. He is in his third year, and expects to graduate in 2014. “This semester I’m studying the complex Variables in Calculus, Differential Equations, Basic Advanced Physics...

Divine Chemistry

  In high school I avoided chemistry as much as I refused to eat kale. But most teens don’t understand what’s good for them. I guess I couldn’t get past the chemistry of Scarlett and Rhett. What I never knew was how the falling leaves is all about chemistry. The...

Witch New Year?

Halloween is first seen in the 1500s as a Scottish version of All-Hallows-Evening. Centuries before that, the Celtics called the festival Samhain, a term meaning ‘summer’s end.’ Christians began observing All Saints’ Day on November 1 in 837. By the 1100s many...

Poems for a Forecast

WINTER Cold, spiny. Wind that sucks the sap from your skin The sky itself is frozen blue Yet i am safe while i can light one soft candle My mind can burrow further than the cold can freeze My eye can dance on the ice even when i dare not open the door. For the...